Competitive Event Scholarships
Texas FCCLA Region Conference Competitive Event Scholarships
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts is pleased to offer scholarships for the following events at the region level:
Baking and Pastry Level 3
Culinary Arts Level 3
Entrepreneurship Level 2 and Level 3
Food Innovations Level 2 and Level 3
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Level 2 and Level 3
Nutrition and Wellness Level 2 and Level 3
Texas Cupcake Presentation Level 2 and Level 3
Texas Mystery Basket Level 3
Texas Serving Up Success Level 2 and Level 3
The following scholarship amounts will be awarded in the events listed above at the region level:
First Place will receive a $3,000 scholarship.
Second Place will receive a $2,000 scholarship.
Third Place will receive a $1,500 scholarship.
All participants in these events will receive a $500 participant scholarship.
*Note: Escoffier scholarships are stackable if a student places for multiple years.
Texas FCCLA State Conference Competitive Event Scholarships
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts
Auguste Escoffier School of Culinary Arts is pleased to offer scholarships for the following events at the state level:
Baking and Pastry Level 3
Culinary Arts Level 3
Entrepreneurship Level 2 and Level 3
Food Innovations Level 2 and Level 3
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Level 2 and Level 3
Nutrition and Wellness Level 2 and Level 3
Texas Cupcake Presentation Level 2 and Level 3
Texas Mystery Basket Level 3
Texas Serving Up Success Level 2 and Level 3
The following scholarship amounts will be awarded in the events listed above at the state level:
First Place will receive a $5,000 scholarship.
Second Place will receive a $3,000 scholarship.
Third Place will receive a $2,000 scholarship.
*Note: Escoffier scholarships are stackable if a student places for multiple years.
Chief Architect Software
Interior Design Level 1, 2, and 3:
A free student copy of Chief Architect Software is available to all participants. Participants can sign up for their free copy at:
Culinary Institute of America
Baking and Pastry Level 3
Culinary Arts Level 3
1st place: $2,000
2nd place: $1,500
3rd place: $1,000
*CIA scholarships are not stackable if a student places for multiple years. Students are only eligible to redeem one scholarship and CIA will honor the scholarship with the highest dollar amount. The scholarship is renewable, so as long as students maintain a 3.0 while at CIA, they will be eligible to redeem the scholarship each academic year.
Rocky Mountain College of Art + Design
Fashion Construction Level 3
Fashion Design Level 3
Interior Design Level 3
1st place: $1,250*
*Student must complete the RMCAD application and acceptance process. Inform your admissions or outreach representative of your 1st place award by submitting supporting documentation. Scholarship is non-renewable and not stackable. Students must attend RMCAD as a full time student within one year of being awarded the scholarship to redeem it.
Sam Houston State University
Fashion Design Level 3
Food Innovations Level 3
Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation Level 3
Interior Design Level 3
Nutrition and Wellness Level 3
Sports Nutrition Level 3
1st place: $500*
*Student must be an admitted SHSU student that has declared a major in either Food Service Management, Food Science and Nutrition, Interior Design, or Fashion Merchandising and attends the University as a full time student within one year following their high school graduation. Scholarship is stackable if a student places 1st for multiple years.
Texas Tech University
College of Health and Human Sciences
The Texas Tech University College of Health and Human Sciences will offer all first place STAR and Proficiency event winners one scholarship in the amount of $1,000 a year for up to four years upon enrollment in the College of Health and Human Sciences (this scholarship is not stackable for students who win first place in multiple years). Students must apply and be admitted to Texas Tech and declare one of the College of Health and Human Sciences majors by December 1 of their senior year of high school. Please contact Billy Tiongco at with the College of Health and Human Sciences to confirm your eligibility for this merit scholarship.
Zwilling J.A. Henckels, LLC
Baking and Pastry Level 3
Culinary Arts Level 3
Texas Mystery Basket Level 3
The top 3 will receive a Zwilling-sponsored item.